
A benevolent
legacy that shines brightly

Spreading the light of love and care all around

Sadhu Vaswani

Discover the boundless
compassion of a
visionary saint

During a discussion in the presence of Sadhu Vaswani, a person remarked, “Our Prime Minister is a man of unblemished character. He is India’s greatest man today.” Someone else said, “I regard the President as a greater man. He is the constitutional head and a good blend of intellectualism and illumination.” A discussion and debate ensued.

Sadhu Vaswani, in his gentle demeanour, simply stated,
“He is truly great who truly serves.”


Discover the boundless compassion of a visionary saint

Popularity, power, position, wealth and pleasures were not a priority to Sadhu Vaswani. Selfless service to mankind and deep longing and devotion to God mirrored his throbbing spirituality.

His loftiness was profound in his humility.

He urged people to wake up to their “divine destiny”. He believed the ultimate goal of life is to attune oneself to the divinity inherent within each one of us. “Inner illumination” is what we must seek every day, but to do this, man need not run away from the world to the solitude of a mountain cave or forest grove. He must live in the world and fulfil his duties and obligations”, he taught.

Reverence for all life was the cornerstone of his teachings. This practically translated into love and service for all forms of life – embracing humans, birds and animals alike.

A poet, a seer, a mystic, an educationist, a lyricist, an author and a visionary with simple, yet path-breaking solutions to the maladies that afflict modern-day man, his teachings continue to shape the lives of many around the world.

“Awake! From the
slumber of the
senses, awake!
From the dream
of earth-bound life,
awake! Awake to
realities of the

Dada Vaswani

Dada Vaswani
Our Guiding Light!
Our Inspiration!

It was a cold and rainy day. Dada Vaswani was outdoors. Just as he turned around a corner, his gaze fell on a poor old man, shivering and wet. Dada leaned down and touching his shoulder, with tender concern asked, “You must be terribly cold out here in this weather!”

It was as if a transformation came over the old man. He looked straight into Dada’s eyes, and giving him a bright, toothless smile, said, “I was, before you came here!”


Unveiling the path to a compassionate life for all beings

The life of a saint offers solace to thousands through his reassuring kindness, his spiritual wisdom, his selfless deeds,  his actions of righteousness, and simply through his presence that brings the warmth of his selfless love.

Dada Vaswani, a child prodigy, completed school at the age of 13 and graduated at 17. He gave up his illustrious career and his life of academic accolades and scientific accomplishments to devote himself completely to his guru, Sadhu Vaswani at the young age of 21.

He served Sadhu Vaswani with a singular focus and untiring dedication, and later carried forward the spiritual legacy, nurturing it with his wondrous devotion. He extended a pragmatic hue to the mystical teachings of Sadhu Vaswani and carried his Master’s message around the globe. An orator par excellence, he addressed international forums and authored hundreds of books, which have been translated into several languages.

“Reach down and lift as many as you can on the rough road of life.” With this ideology pulsating in his heart, he expanded the activities of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission to form several spiritual, educational, healthcare and sewa centres.

"Kindness is the balm
that softens and
smoothens the rough
patches of life."
- Dada Vaswani

Sadhu Vaswani Mission:
Our spiritual home

Service to humanity:
Inspired by our teachers

The Sadhu Vaswani Mission, headquartered in Pune, was founded by Sadhu Vaswani and Dada Vaswani and is dedicated to enriching lives through spiritual growth, education, medicine, and humanitarian initiatives. With centres spanning the globe, the Mission passionately serves rural communities, animals, and the underprivileged, providing essential resources such as food, shelter, and financial aid.

The Mission’s medical centres extend a compassionate hand to those in need, offering superior healthcare services that are guided by ethical practices. Thousands of individuals have been blessed with accessible care, thanks to the unwavering dedication of the noble souls at the Mission. With a heart for the vulnerable, the Mission ensures no one is left behind. All hospitals and healthcare centres proudly bear the mantle of Sadhu Vaswani Mission’s profound love and selflessness, bringing solace and healing to countless lives.

“We must do as much good as we can, in as many ways
as we can, to as many as we can.” Dada Vaswani