Cutting edge treatments that save vision

Cryotherapy, also called cryopexy, is a means of freezing the retina where a retinal tear has occurred and or to surgically remove leaking retinal blood vessels. In this process, intense cold is used to induce a retinal scar around the lesion. The scar acts like a glue to heal the lesion in the retina. 


The process may be used to treat:

  • Small retinal detachments

  • Tumours

  • Vascular lesions

  • Different retinopathies

    Cryotherapy can be combined with pneumatic retinopexy to treat certain types of retinal detachments. This treatment is helpful in case of a vitreous haemorrhage or when a cataract blocks light from coming in.

Elevating your healing journey through innovation: Our infrastructure & technology

Oertli Faros Vitrectomy Machine

Oculus - Wide angle viewing system, BIOM 4