Oculoplasty or ophthalmic plastic surgery is a transformative procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of your eyes. It reduces signs of ageing and addresses cosmetic concerns for a more youthful, refreshed look.

Oculoplasty deals with the eye and its surrounding structures such as the eyelids, the eye socket, the muscles that move the eyes, the soft tissues that surround the eyes, and the tear system that helps keep the eyes moist. These structures can be affected by injuries, infections, inflammations, tumours, congenital anomalies, and problems related to ageing.

Oculoplasty may be performed to improve the eye’s functions, comfort and appearance. It can be used to reconstruct, rejuvenate, or both.

Who needs Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery?

While your eye doctor knows best when to recommend surgery, it helps to note the following symptoms:

Symptoms related to lids:

Symptoms related to drainage system:

Symptoms related to tumours:

Other symptoms:

New-age treatments for cosmetic eye surgery:


This refers to one or both upper eyelids drooping over the eye. Ptosis can be mild or complete, obscuring vision from that eye completely. It can be brought on by certain diseases, drugs, or injury. It is usually corrected by surgery involving the muscle of the upper lid (LPS) and the brow muscle (frontalis).


This refers to when the eyelid folds inward toward the eye. When this happens, the constant rubbing of the epidermis (outer skin) and eyelash against the surface of the eye can irritate. It often results from the weakening of the eyelid, which itself can come from ageing or injury.


This is the opposite of entropion, referring instead to when the eyelid folds outward from the eye. This leaves the underskin of the lid exposed and can lead to irritation of the lid itself. Like entropion, ectropion can result from the weakening of the lid due to ageing or injury.


With age, the skin and muscles of the eyelid can sag and droop. In addition, the fat that surrounds and cushions the eyeball can bulge forward through the skin of the upper and lower lids, leading to fatigue, eye strain, skin irritation, and an unattractive, aged appearance, which all can be corrected with blepharoplasty, a surgery involving removal or repositioning of skin, muscle, and fat of the upper and/or lower lids.

Thyroid eye disease

Thyroid conditions, such as Grave’s Disease, can often affect the eye. When this happens, the tissue behind the eye becomes seriously inflamed, pushing the eye outward and giving it a “bulging” appearance, leading to double vision, swelling around the eyes, discomfort, and in severe cases, loss of vision. Oculoplasty can treat the inflammation with medications (commonly steroids), however, the deformities (raised eyelid, prominent eyeball, or squint) may persist and require surgery in the second (inactive) phase.


Blepharospasm (also called Benign Essential blepharospasm) (BEB) is a neurological disorder that causes spasms or twitching of the eyelid. It is rare, and occurs due to stress, dry eye, too much caffeine, and lack of sleep and usually happens outside a person's control. BEB is usually treated with botulinum toxin shots, known as Botox, or with medicine or surgical procedures involving the removal of some of the muscle or nerve tissue from your eyelids to help stop the twitching.

Cancer and growths

Tumours or lesions on or around the eye can be removed via oculoplasty, whether they are cancerous or benign. They are usually managed by surgical excision and histopathological examination of the excised or incised tissues. Sometimes, removal of eyeball contents (evisceration) or complete eyeball removal (enucleation) when structures surrounding the eyeball are also involved. If they are cancerous, additional treatment may be required, like chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Dry eyes

Dry eye happens when your eyes don't make enough tears to stay wet or when your tears don't work correctly. This can make your eyes feel uncomfortable, and in some cases, it can also cause vision problems. Usually, it is corrected by lubricants, but sometimes, punctum plug insertion is needed when the condition is severe. The increasing use of digital devices is raising the problem of dry eyes and eye fatigue.


It refers to the inability to close one or both eyes completely. This may happen because of facial paralysis or, as a result of trauma or surgery, can lead to more severe issues like scarring of the cornea or vision loss. Available treatments: artificial tears, eye drops, ointment or patching. Sometimes, a surgery called Tarsorrhaphy is needed, which involves sewing your eye partially or completely shut. This can be a temporary or permanent procedure.

Blocked tear ducts

Although most common in infants, adults can also get blocked tear ducts as they age or from trauma, infection, and tumours. When tear ducts become blocked, they may produce excessive tears. There may also be crusting, discharge, and swelling. Tear duct surgery, also called lacrimal surgery (Dacryocysto Rhinostomy and Dacryocystectomy) can correct this. For children below 2 years, it is usually corrected by probing under general anaesthesia.


Trauma can cause many of the aforementioned conditions, or simply damage the eye or eye socket. Oculoplasty repairs and reconstructs damaged sockets, lids or surrounding structures. Various surgical options are available, like canalicular repair, lid reconstruction, or major reconstruction involving eye socket walls, depending upon the severity of the trauma.

Burns to the eye

Irritating or harmful chemicals can accidentally get onto the surface of the eye, causing chemical burns. The most dangerous chemical burns involve strong acids or alkali. Severe chemical burns of the transparent dome on the front surface of the eye (cornea), especially alkali injuries, can lead to scarring, perforation of the eye, infection, and blindness. Thermal burns tend to affect the eyelid rather than the conjunctiva or cornea. Thermal burns of the conjunctiva or cornea are usually mild and may cause no lasting damage to the eye.

Cosmetic artificial eyes

Injury, as well as specific conditions such as cancers, can lead to the loss or removal of an eye. While the vision cannot be restored, customised artificial eyes (prosthesis) can bring the appearance back to near normal. Occasionally, if the pouch behind the eyelid (that holds the artificial eye) is shrunken, one may require surgery before the fitting of an artificial eye.

Look younger,
feel rejuvenated!

At K K Eye Institute, we bring you the art and science of Oculoplasty which is dedicated to enhancing your eye function, comfort, and aesthetic appearance.
Our procedures are carried out by specially trained surgeons and are highly customised. You can choose medically necessary or cosmetic procedures as per your conditions.

While some people embrace ageing, many others look for a solution to turn back the effects of time and want a more youthful and well-rested appearance.

Facial Aesthetics -
Plastic Surgery at K K Eye Institute


Long-term exposure to the sun and pollution, along with the stress of hard work and daily life, can cause unwelcome changes to your face. It could be fine lines, wrinkles, age and brown spots, dry and thin skin, dull skin tone, and loss of facial fullness (sagging skin). The area surrounding the eyeball is most affected by ageing, with the development of crow’s feet, dark circles, puffiness, and sagging of the upper and lower eyelids.


Today, facial plastic surgery is not just for the elite but has an increasing demand in India and Asia at large. When it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon for your “face”, it is critical to choose a specialist in eyelid surgery and facial surgery. Moreover, since the majority of ageing changes occur around the eyes, an ophthalmic plastic surgeon can better address these issues.


Aesthetic services at K K Eye Institute are provided by a team of experienced ophthalmic plastic surgeons with in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of eyes, eyelids and their surrounding structures. Microsurgical precision of ophthalmology is combined with the aesthetic concepts of facial plastic surgery to provide a comprehensive range of medical and aesthetic treatments through hidden incisions behind the eyelid.

Services at K K Eye Institute

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures

Botulinum toxin injection is the most sought-after cosmetic medical procedure. It is a mild neurotoxin which is used to calm down and relax overacting muscles.
While non-surgical rejuvenation treatments may not be able to achieve the same results as some of our surgical procedures, they can help delay the ageing process by making the skin look smoother and making marks on the skin less visible.

Surgical cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic Surgeries at K K Eye Institute

Types of surgeries

Botox injection, dacryocystorhinostomy, dacryocystectomy, canalicular surgery, probing, entropion and ectropion correction, lid reconstruction, ptosis correction, insertion of punctal plugs, tarsorrhaphy, excisional biopsy, evisceration, enucleation, orbitotomy, cosmetic artificial eye implant.

Examination and consultation

The oculoplasty treatment at our institute starts with an examination of the current condition of the patients. Once the examination is done, the patients are offered the appropriate options for oculoplasty.

For kids and teens

All our surgeons take extra care while working with kids and teens since there are some eye muscles which are underdeveloped or quite weak during the initial stages of growth.

Elevating your healing journey
through innovation

Our infrastructure and technology

Schedule your appointment with us today
and begin your journey to brighter,
more beautiful eyes.


This could be because of eyelid malposition, such as either drooping (ptosis) or retraction of eyelids. An experienced oculoplastic surgeon can diagnose and aid you in managing such conditions, which results in a better cosmetic appearance. The effects of the surgery are usually long-lasting.

Yes, some cases of ptosis can go away on their own. They can also return without warning. This cycle of coming and going can sometimes repeat indefinitely.

Watering in the eyes could be due to various causes. Constant watering is mainly due to the blocking of the tear drainage system. Special tests are done by a competent oculoplastic surgeon for diagnosis, and subsequently, options are recommended to alleviate the problem.

Painful blind eyes can be rehabilitated to relieve pain and also provide better cosmesis. Our dedicated team of surgeons will be able to discuss management protocols tailor-made for your social identity and enhance your self-esteem.

Forehead lines are caused due to overacting muscles in the forehead. These can be hidden by injection Botox, which masks the lines and gives you a more calm and relaxed look.

An artificial eye or cosmetic shell is a prosthesis fitted over an enucleated or eviscerated eye. This prosthesis is made for cosmetic purposes and doesn’t impart any vision to the eye. It certainly helps patients to overcome their physical and psychological shortcomings.

Loose, wrinkled extra skin causing hooding of eyes and baggy eyes can be corrected permanently through blepharoplasty.

Once administered, the beneficial effects of botulinum toxin injection last for 4-6 months.

There are no known major side effects of botulinum toxin injection. However, it is to be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.